Grad. year: 2017
My main interests are:
- Artificial Life.
- Distributed Systems.
- Multi-Agent Systems.
- Neural Computation.
- Artificial Intelligence.
- Graphics Engines.
- Cognitive Architectures.
- Virtual Reality.
- Augmented Reality.
The aim of my thesis is conceptualize, design and implement a 3D body for
virtual entities. The movements of body must be performed by a muscular
system, in a similar way that a human does the movements of his body. In
addition to the motor execution, the body needs to be able to detect stimuli
that come into contact with him (somatic perception) and the internal
stimuli that are generated by the contraction of the muscular system
(proprioception). So in order to achieve the objective, at present I'm
working on the development of algorithms capable of recreate the behaviour
of the different elements of the body (physiological and neural) involved in
somatic perception and motor execution.
- Computer Science Engineer (2011), Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Zamora ITESZ, Zamora Michoacán, México.
- Master in computer science (2013), Cinvestav Unidad Guadalajara.
International conference papers:
- Madrigal, Daniel; Torres, Gustavo; Ramos, Felix; Vega, Lea, "Cutaneous mechanoreceptor simulator," Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom), 2012 IEEE 3rd International Conference on , vol., no., pp.781,786, 2-5 Dec. 2012
- Daniel Madrigal, Gustavo Torres, Juan L. Del Valle, Félix Ramos, A Bio-inspired Architecture of a Motor Neuron System for Virtual Creatures: Movement of a Single Limb with a Single Muscle, Procedia Computer Science, Volume 22, 2013, Pages 440-449, ISSN 1877-0509.
- Daniel Madrigal, Gustavo Torres, Adan Ruiz, Felix Ramos, "A Bio-Inspired Architecture of a Motor System for Virtual Creatures: Reverse Engineering of the Human Hand for the Creation of a LEGO Mindstorms(TM) Robotic Hand," 2013 International Conference on Cyberworlds, pp. 322-325, 2013 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW), 2013.
- Cynthia Avila, Daniel Madrigal, Gustavo Torres and Félix Ramos, A Cognitive Architecture for Virtual Entities with Attentional Modulation of Pain Perception, ICCI*CC 2014.
- Ory Medina, Sergio Vargas, Daniel Madrigal, Félix Ramos and Gustavo Torres, A Bio-Inspired Architecture of the Vestibular System for Body Balance of a Humanoid Robot, ICCI*CC 2014.
- Selene Zamarripa, Daniel Madrigal and Felix Ramos, Motivational System for Virtual Creatures: Actions Driven by Needs, International Conference on Cybeworlds (CW), 2014.
Journal Papers:
- Daniel Madrigal, Gustavo Torres, Félix Ramos A Bio-Inspired Cognitive Architecture of the Motor System for Virtual Creatures, IEICE, Volume and Number: Vol.E97-D,No.8,pp.-,Aug. 2014, JCR Indexed.
Book chapters:
- Madrigal, D., Marcial, J(2013). Modelo computacional del sistema propioceptivo basado en neurociencias para entidades virtuales. Romero, A. Ramos, M., Marcial, J., Ramos, M. La medicina como arte ciencia, humanismo e investigación: XXXII Jornada Médica ISSSTE-UAEM. Toluca, Edo. México: UAEM.