My activities can be split in three parts: first concern my research activities, which have been focused towards design and implementation of distributed systems going from languages to cooperative work. Some of my main research projects include: the application of intelligent techniques to allocate request in a global information system (like the WEB), and the study and implementation of cooperative systems, including virtual offices, generic platforms for 3D applications, and augmented virtual reality.
In order to endow virtual creatures with autonomous human-like behavior, we propose a cognitive architecture we called cuāyōllōtl (brain in Nahuatl). These activities have been mixed with teaching at master and Ph.D. programs lectures related to Distributed Systems, coordination and planning aspects of complex distributed applications. The second part of my activities points towards the creation of work groups. From 1999 to 2009 I lead the research group in Computer Science at the CINVESTAV. From 1999 to 2002 I was president of the computer chapter of IEEE in occident of Mexico. From 2000 to 2004 I organize the IEEE International Symposium on Advanced Distributed Systems in Guadalajara Mexico. In January 2001 I started the CDS (Centre of Software Development) at the CINVESTAV-GDL. Currently, I lead two research groups. The first works on pervasive services, the second works on cognitive architectures. In the first group are included researchers from ITESO, UAEM campus Toluca, UPSin, and ITAM, in the second researchers from UAEM campus Toluca, ITSON, UAG, and UDG.
Finally, the third part of my work is devoted to the industry in México. solutions for specific problems, for instance the creation of a knowledge base system for the Latin America Customs, A system for the government called “Mejora Regulatoria”, among different others. With Intel I have been working since 4 years ago proposing and creating material for help University lecturers to use Intel Architecture for embedded systems. Also participate in the organization of the first Mexico Copa Intel for embedded systems using the Atom architecture.
1994-1997 | PhD Computer Sciences from Technology University of Compiègne France. |
1992-1993 | “Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies” from Centre National d’Arts et Métiers de Paris in France. |
1982-1984 | Master of Sciences from the Center of Researches and Advanced Studies of the Polytechnic, Mexico City. |
1979-1984 | BS-c Electronic and Communication Engineering from Autonomous Metropolitan University, Mexico City. |
Professional Experience
1997-Current | Full time Professor Researcher at the Center of Advanced Researches and Advanced Studies of the Mexican Polytechnic, Guadalajara, jal. Mexico. |
2005-2006 | Invited professor at ESISAR of Grenoble Institute Polytechnic of Grenoble INPG in France |
1999 -2005 | Chief of the Computer Science Group at CINVESTAV-GDL |
2001- 2007 | Leading the Design Software Group of CTS at CINVESTAV-GDL |
2000-2001 | Invited as professor at the Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France to participate in an image indexing project. Chair of the IEEE International Symposium on Advanced Distributed System in Mexico, 1th, 2nd 3th and 4th editions. |
1998-1999 | Leader of a Jira Project about a 3DVirtual Office. Start the Project GeDA-3D a middleware useful to implement cooperative applications where a 3D interface is useful. |
1999-1999 | Invited Lecturer of Knowledge Discover at the Mathematic University of Costa Rica System 23th to 27th of April 1999. |
1998 | Chair of the workshop of Distributed Systems of the first Distributed System Winter School in Guadalajara Mexico 24- 27 November 1998. |
1999-2006 | Leading the Computer Science Group at CINVESTAV. |
1996-1996 | Assistant teacher at the University of Technology of Compiègne. |
1989-1990 | Full time Researcher at Statistic and Calculi Department from the Postgraduate College. México Estate, México. |
1988-1989 | Assistant Researcher, computer department of the Autonomous National University of Mexico. |
1987-1988 | Assistant researcher, Electronic Engineering Department of the Mexican Polytechnic Institute. |
Concluded PhD Thesis
- A formal methodology for specify and implement agent based systems. Nicandro Farias CINVESTAV-GDL 1999-2002
- A Declarative Dynamic Virtual Editor for GeDA-3D. Ivan Piza, CINVESTAV-GDL 2002-2006
- Adaptive algorithms for animated virtual entities in a GeDA-3D world. Fabiel Zuñiga. CINVESTAV-IPN 2002-2006
- Multi-Agent Interaction Trough Norms. Octavio Gutierrez Garcia CINVESTAV-GDL Co-direction with Jean-Luc Koning ESISAR-INPG France. 2006-2009. Double Diploma.
- Declarative Modeling Based On Knowledge. Jaime Alberto Zaragoza Rios. CINVESTAV-GDL. Co-direction with Veronique Gaildrat IRIT France. 2006-2009. Double Diploma.
- Study of movement planning of virtual creatures. Hector Rafael Orozco, CINVESTAV-GDL. 2006-2010.
- Distributed Visual Port. Alma Veronica Martinez Gonzalez, CINVESTAV GDL. 2007-2011
- “Meta-analysis applied to Multi-agent software engineering” Luis Alfonso Razo Ruvalcaba. Double diploma CINVESTAV GDL- INPG France. 2007-2012.
- Integration of emotion and cognition in autonomous agents. Luis Felipe Rodríguez Torres. CINVESTAV GDL. 2009-2013
- Soft tissue cut using FEM. Luis Fernando Gutierrez Preciado. CINVESTAV-GDL. 2009-2013.
- Methodology to develop cognitive architecture based Neuroscience. Gustavo Alejandro Torres Blanco. CINVESTAV GDL 2009-2013.
- Tumor detection in a human body using Data Mining techniques. Luis Eulalio Real Novo. CINVESTAV GDL. 2009-2014.
- Estructura de Aceleración par Trazado de Rayos en Tiempo Real de Imagenes Dinámicas José Arturo García García. 2010-2014.
- A distributed approach to design federations of agents in an ecosystem of services. José Francisco Cervantes Alvarez, CINVESTAV GDL. 2011-2015. Co-dirección Prof. Michel Occello.
- Selección de Coordinación en Sistemas Basados en Sistemas de Agentes. Rodolfo Ostos Robles. 2010-2015.
- Plants morphology from artificial life perspective. Erick Vresnev Castellanos Hernández. CINVESTAV GDL. 2011-2015
- Neuroscience based model of planning for virtual creatures. Sonia López Ruiz. CINVESTAV GDL 20012-2015.
- Neuroscience based model of decisions for virtual creatures. José Antonio Cervantes CINVESTAV GDL 2012-2015.
- Memory model for virtual creatures based on biological evidence. Ana Karina Jaime Oliver. CINVESTAV GDL. 2012-2016
- Modelo de sistema sensorial para la arquitectura cuayollotl basado en evidencia biológica. Daniel Madrigal, CINVESTAV GDL 2013-2017.
- Modelo y Sistema Afectivo Bio-inspirado para Emociones Básicas en Criaturas Virtuales. Jonathan Rosales, CINVESTAV GDL. 2013-2017.
- Efficient Construction of Acceleration Data Structures to optimize the Rendering of Polygonal and Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines Geometry for Interactive Ray Tracing. Ulises Olivares Pinto. CINVESTAV GDL. 2014-2018.
- Un modelo de sistema motivacional fisiológico para criaturas virtuales. Mirna Selene Samarripa Parra. CINVESTAV GDL 2014-2018.
- Neuroscience based middleware. Armando Cervantes Hernandez. CINVESTAV GDL. 2015-2020.
- Modelado de predicción para extremidades de un exoesqueleto. Edith Elena Granados. CINVESTAV GDL. 2015-2020.
- A working memory model for virtual creatures. Luis de Jesus Martin Castillo. CINVESTAV GDL. 2017-2020.
- A planning and decision-making model for virtual creatures. Raymundo Ramirez Pedraza. CINVESTAV GDL. 2016-2021.
- A model of alert in the attentional cognitive function for virtual creatures. Natividad Vargas Hernández. CINVESTAV GDL. 2017-2021.
- A model of alert in the attentional cognitive function for virtual creatures. Natividad Vargas Hernández. CINVESTAV GDL. 2017-2021.
- Computational model of physiological motivations for a cognitive architecture based on neuroscientific evidence. Myrna Selene Zamarripa Parra. CINVESTAV GDL. 2015-2018.
- Systema de Asistente de director de arte basado en IA. Adrian Ulises González Casillas. CIVESTAV GDL. 2018-2022.
- Modelo de Memoria Asociativa bio-inspirado. Tania del Carmen Rodríguez Flores. CINVESTAV GDL. 2018-2022.
- Modelo informatico de sistema motivacional para criaturas ciberneticas. Diana Gabriela Gómez Martínez. CINVESTAV GDL 2018-2022.
In Progress PhD Thesis
- Modelo de sistema motor para sistemas ciberneticos. Carlos Johnnatan Sandoval Arraiga CINVESTAV GDL 2019-2023.
- Arquitectura biologicamente inspirada para la idenificaión visual basada en el sistema de reconocimiento perceptual de objetos utilizando estructuras retinotópicas sobre la asociación de figura-fondo. Ivan Axel Dounce Nava, CINVESTAV GDL 2019-2023.
- Directorio de Servicios Bio-Inspirados para la Composición de Servicios Pervasivos. Rafael Salazar Salazar, CINVESTAV GDL 2020-2023.
- Modelo computacional de flexibilidad fognitiva para la composición de servicios pervasivos. Alan Christian López Fraga, CINVESTAV GDL 2020-2024.
- Modelo computacional bio-inspirado de persepción auditiva. Gustavo Palacios Ramirez, CINVESTAV GDL 2020-2024.
Concluded master thesis
- GeDA-3D: A Generic CSCW tool with 3D. Silvia Inés Toscano, CINVESTAV-IPN 1999-2000
- Intelligent Extraction of Information in Global information Systems. Marco A. Ramos. Co-direction with Aurelio López López. CINVESTAV-IPN 1999-2000
- A communication language among intelligent agents. Nicandro Farias, CINVESTAV-IPN 1999-2000
- A multiplatform spooling. Jorge Fausto Hdez. CINVESTAV-IPN, 1999-2000.
- A platform for managing agent groups. Sulma S. Aguirre, CINVESTAV-IPN 1999-2001.
- A manager color system. Leo Hendrix Reyes, CINVESTAV-IPN 2000-2001.
- A virtual 3D office: a tool for CSCW. Ma. Eugenia Puga N, CINVESTAV-IPN 1999-2001.
- A Virtual Editor for Dynamic Environments. Hugo Ivan Piza, CINVESTAV-IPN 2001-2002
- Adaptive Algorithms for the Virtual Editor of GeDA-3D. Fabiel Zúñiga G. CINVESTAV-IPN 2001-2002
- Formalization by means of High level RdP of Negotiation Protocols en MAS. José de Jesús Padilla 2000- 2003.
- Watermarking. Carlos Ramon Patiño Rubalcava, CINVESTAV-IPN 2000-2002
- "2PSW: A reliable writing algorithm for smart cards without contact. Carlos Alberto Franco Reboreda 2002-2004
- Caracterización de Datos como una Forma de Metaconocimiento útil al Problema de Selección de Modelo Local. Francisco Ocegueda Hernández. 2002-2004
- A study of parallelization of Data Mining algorithms. Jorge Lauro Hdez., CINVESTAV-IPN 1999- 2004
- Intelligent assign of information request in a LAN information system. Fernando Velzco Loera. CINVESTAV-IPN 2002- 2004
- A platform for manage mobile agent based applications. Antonio Alcalá. CINVESTAV-IPN 2002- 2004
- A language for 3D animations, Alma Veronica Martinez, CINVESTAV-IPN 2004-2005.
- A system for intrusion in Computer Systems. Octavio Gutierrez Garcia, CINVESTAV-IPN 2004-2006 in co-direction Felix RAMOS, Herwig Unger from Rostock University.
- A declarative Editor for 3D scenarios, Jaime Zaragoza, 2004-2006.
- Study of Emotions in Agents for Virtual Reality. Luis Razo, CINVESTAV-IPN 2004- 2006
- A Middleware useful to develop Distributed Systems. Alonso Aguirre Gutiérrez, CINVESTAV-IPN 2004-2006
- Dynamic Planning in virtual environments, Angel Rafael Rodriguez Moreno, CINVESTAV-IPN, 2006-2008.
- Study of non-normative behavior of agents in an agent community. Mariam Brambila, CINVESTAV-IPN, 2005-2008
- Study of learning techniques for agents evolving in virtual environments. Moices Uc Cetina CINVESTAV-IPN, 2005-2008.
- Robot alignment using self-organization. Miguel A. Sanchez, 2006-2008
- RFID applied to hospital environments. Omar A. Gonzalez P2006- 2008 (first place award for the best master thesis in Jalisco State in México)
- Soft Tissue Cutting: A chirurgical approach. Luis Fernando Gutierrez Preciado. 2007-2009
- Auto-Organización de Redes de Dispositivos Móviles. J. Guadalupe Olascuaga. Co-direction with Prof. L. Ernesto López Mellado. 2007-2009
- Virtual sensors and Perception. Gustavo Alejandro Torres Blanco. 2007-2009
- A New classification technique. Luis Eulalio Real Novo. Co-direction with Ricardo Vilalta López. 2007-2009.
- A planning approach to animate avatars. Cristian Boyain y Goitia Luna. 2007-2009.
- Comportamiento influenciado por la personalidad en creaturas virtuales. Victor Fernández Cervantes. Co-direction with Marco Antonio Ramos C. de la University of the Mexican State. 2007-2009.
- A planning module for Virtual Creatures considering cognitive process. Francisco Galvan Valdivia. 2008-2010.
- A declarative method for specifying a scene correctly using formal methods. Erick Vresnev Castellanos Hernández. 2008-2010.
- Distribution of context environment in complex virtual reality scenarios. Luis Alberto Muñoz Gómez, CINVESTAV-IPN. 2006-2010.
- Modelo de Memoria Semántica para criaturas virtuales basado en Neurociencias. Ana Karina Jaime Oliver, CINVESTAV-GDL. 2010-2011.
- Neuroscience based model of attention. Silviano Díaz Barriga. CINVESTAV-GDL. 2011-2012.
- A model of synthetic proprioception for virtual anthropomorphic entities. Daniel Madrigal, CINVESTAV GDL 2011-2013
- A model of emotion regulation for virtual creatures. Jonhatan Rosales, CINVESTAV GDL. 2011-2013.
- Nondeclarative memory model for virtual creatures: Non associative learning. Ory Dinguene Medina Ceja. CINVESTAV GDL. 2012-2014
- Dynamic Scene Surface Mesh Characterization for Real Time Ray Tracing. Ulises Olivares Pinto. CINVESTAV GDL. 2012-2014.
- Cognitive architecture for Bimodal Selection Atention: vision and Somatosensorily. Cynthia Anahi Avila Contreras. CINVESTAV GDL. 2012-2014.
- Interactive simulation of complex deformable models using the mesh intersection algorithm. Sergio Enrique Vargas Béjar. CINVESTAV GDL. 2012-2014.
- Middleware for cognitive architectures: Cervantes Hernández Armando. CINVESTAV GDL. 2012-2015.
- Estimation of Elbow Flexo-Extension Angle Using sEMG signals. Granados Delgado Edith Elena. CINVESTAV GDL. 2012-2015.
- Algoritmo para Calculo de Intersección entre Rayos y Nurbs: Héctor Guillermo Rodriguez Fuentes. CINVESTAV GDL 2014-2017
- Estimación de ángulo de la rodilla e identificación de fases del andado durante la marcha. Gómez Pérez Ilse Jazmín. CINVESTAV GDL. 2016-2017.
- Feature reduction and selection for EMG signal classification. Angulo Aguilar José Osvaldo. CINVESTAV GDL. 2016-2017.
- Sistema sensorial visual bio-inspirado para criaturas virtuales, Luis Parra. CINVESTAV GDL. 2017-2018
- Sistema de percepción bio-inspirado para criaturas virtuales. Adrían Ulises González Casillas, CINVESTAV GDL. 2017-2018
- Sistema motor bio-inspirado para criaturas virtuales, Sandoval Arrayga Carlos Johnnatan. CINVESTAV GDL. 2018-2019
- Sistema de percepción para criaturas virtuales. Dounce Nava Iván Axel. 2018-2019
- Sistema multi-agente para la composición. Alan López Fraga CINVESTAV GDL. 2018-2020
- Sistema de percepción auditiva para criaturas virtuales. Gustavo Palacios Ramírez. 2018-2020.
- Recuperación del Conjunto de Tareas para planeación. Oscar Guadalupe. CINVESTAV GDL. 2019-2021
- Aprendizaje de Incentivo para Memoria Asociativa. Alizon Capote. CINVESTAV GDL 2019-2021.
- Alerta en sistema atencional bioinspirado para criaturas virtuales. Carlos Alejandro Sánchez Aceves. CINVESTAV GDL. 2020-2022
Master and PhD dissertations
- PhD Thesis (University of Technology of Compiègne France): A Multi-Agent approach to dynamic request placement in the Global Information Systems.
- DEA Diplôme (Institut National des Télécommunications) Camille a Distributed Object-Oriented System.
- MSc Thesis (CINVESTAV México D.F.): The C_ persistent Language
International Papers
- A. López-Fraga, R. Salazar-Salazar, R. Ramirez-Pedraza and F. Ramos, "A Human-like Strategy For Pervasive Service Composition," 2020 11th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom), Mariehamn, Finland, 2020, pp. 000313-000320, doi: 10.1109/CogInfoCom50765.2020.9237861.
- Ramirez-Pedraza R., Vargas N., Sandoval C., del Valle-Padilla J.L., Ramos F. (2020) A Bioinspired Model of Decision Making Considering Spatial Attention for Goal-Driven Behaviour. In: Samsonovich A. (eds) Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2019. BICA 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 948. Springer, Cham
- Rosales JH., Rodríguez LF., Ramos F. (2020) Psychological Theoretical Framework: A First Step for the Design of Artificial Emotion Systems in Autonomous Agents. In: Samsonovich A. (eds) Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2019. BICA 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 948. Springer, Cham
- Cynthia Avila-Contreras, Daniel Madrigal, Félix Ramos, and Juan Luis del Valle Padilla. A bioinspired model of early visual processing with hue-feature saliency for a cognitive architecture. 8th annual International Conference on Biologically Inspired Architectures, BICA 2017, pages 69-75, volume 123, 2018, ISSN:1877-0509
- Sonia Lopez, Jose-Antonio Cervantes, Felix Ramos, Yingxu Wang. “A cognitive model of motor planning for virtual creatures”. Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC), 14th IEEE International Conference At Tsinghua University, Beijing, 10- 17, 2015.
- José-Antonio Cervantes · Felix Ramos · Yingxu Wang. “A Formal Model Inspired by Human Decision-Making Process” Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC), 14th IEEE International Conference At Tsinghua University, Beijing, 10- 17, 2015. Pp. 375-383
- M. S. Zamarripa, D. Madrigal, C. Avila-Contreras and F. Ramos, "A motivational model of hunger for a cognitive architecture," Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom), 2015 6th IEEE International Conference on, Gyor, 2015, pp. 1-6.
- Ulises Olivares, Arturo García and Félix F. Ramos. “Complete Quadtree Based Construction of Bounding Volume Hierarchies for Ray Tracing”. In Proceedings of SIGRAD 2015, June 1st and 2nd. ISBN: 978-91-7685855-4, ISSN(print): 1650-3686 ISSN(online): 1650-3740. Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings. pp 13-18. Stockholm, Sweden
- Karina Jaime , Armando Cervantes, Ory Medina, Felix Ramos, Jonathan-Hernando Rosales, Gustavo Torres, Marco Ramos. “A Middleware for Integrating Cognitive Architectures”. Brain Informatics and Health, Volume 9250 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 435-444, August 2015.
- Daniel Madrigal, Félix Ramos, “Sense of touch for virtual creatures”. CogInfoCom 2014. IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications. November 5-7, Vietri sul Italy. Pp 449-454
- Avila-Contreras, C., Madrigal, D., Ramos, F., & Torres, G. “A cognitive architecture for virtual entities with attentional modulation of pain perception”. In Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing (ICCI* CC), 2014 IEEE 13th International Conference on (pp. 337-342). IEEE.
- Erick Castellanos, Félix Ramos and Marco Ramos. “Semantic death in plant's simulation using Lindenmayer systems”. IEEE 2014 10th International Conference on Natural Computation. pages 360-365,}.
- Medina O, Vargas, S. Madrigal, D., Ramos, F. “A bio-inspired architecture of the vestibular system for body balance of a humanoid robot”. IEEE 13th International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC), 2014. pp 73-79.
- Arturo Garcia, Sergio Ricardo Murguia Santana, Ulises Olivares Pinto, Felix Ramos. “ Fast parallel construction of stack-less complete LBVH trees with efficient bit-trail traversal for ray tracing(Link)” VRCAI '14 Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry. pp 151-158.
- Ulises Olivares Pinto, Arturo Garcia, Felix Ramos. “Geometric patterns pre-processing of three-dimensional meshes for raytracing in real-time(Link)”. VRCAI '14 Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry. pp 189-192.
- Arturo Garcia, Jose Omar Alvizo Flores, Ulises Olivares Pinto, Felix Ramos. “Fast Data Parallel Radix Sort Implementation in DirectX 11 Compute Shader to Accelerate Ray Tracing Algorithms” EURASIA GRAPHICS 2014: International Conference on Computer Graphics, Animation and Gaming Technologies.
- Ulises Olivares Pinto, Arturo Garcia, Felix Ramos. “Surface Mesh Characterization of Scenes for Ray Tracing in Real-time”. Computer Graphics international 2014. Sydeny, Australia. pp 1-4.
- Selene Zamarripa, Daniel Madrigal and Félix Ramos. “Motivational System for Virtual Creatures: Actions Driven by Needs”. 2014 International Conference on Cyberworlds .978-1-4799-4677-8/14 2014-IEEE DOI 10.1109/CW.2014.36. pp 206-212.
- Daniel Madrigal and Félix Ramos. “Sense of Touch for Virtual Creatures”. CogInfoCom 2014 • 5th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications • November 5-7, 2014, Vietri sul Mare, Italy. pp 449-454.
- Luis Martin, Karina Jaime, Félix Ramos, Francisco Robles. “Bio-inspired cognitive architecture of episodic memory”. Cognitive Systems Research• Volume 76, December 2022, Pages 26-45.
- Jonathan-Hernando Rosales; Marco Ramos, “An emotional regulation model with memories for virtual agents”. In International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC), 2013 12th IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/ICCI-CC.2013.6622253
- José-Antonio Cervantes, Luis-Felipe Rodríguez, Sonia Lopez, and Félix Ramos. “A Biologically Inspired Computational Model of Moral Decision Making for Autonomous Agents.” In Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing. New York City, USA, 2013.
- Madrigal, Daniel; Torres, Gustavo; Ruiz, Adan; Ramos, Felix, "A Bio-Inspired Architecture of a Motor System for Virtual Creatures: Reverse Engineering of the Human Hand for the Creation of a LEGO Mindstorms (TM) Robotic Hand," Cyberworlds (CW), 2013 International Conference on , vol., no., pp.322,325, 21-23 Oct. 2013 doi: 10.1109/CW.2013.67 keywords: {Artificial intelligence;Cognitive informatics;Grasping;Intelligent systems},pp. 322-325URL:
- Daniel Madrigal, Gustavo Torres, Juan L. Del Valle, Félix Ramos, A Bio-inspired Architecture of a Motor Neuron System for Virtual Creatures: Movement of a Single Limb with a Single Muscle, Procedia Computer Science, Volume 22, 2013, Pages 440-449, ISSN 1877-0509,
- Luis F. Gutiérrez and Félix Ramos. Stable Simulations of Deformable Objects using Explicit Integration. Proceedings of Cyberworlds 2013. Yokohama, Japan, Oct. 2013
- Luis F. Gutiérrez, Iker Aguinaga, Matthias Harders and Félix Ramos. Speeding Up the Simulation of Deformable Objects through Mesh Improvement. Journal of Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Vol. 23, No. 3, special issue of CASA 2012.
- Barriga, S.D. ; Rodriguez, L.-F. ; Ramos, F. ; Ramos, M. “Emotional Attention in Autonomous Agents: A Biologically Inspired Model”. IEEE International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW), 2012. Pp. 61-68
- Ostos, R. ;Cervantes, J.F. ; Ramos, F.F. ; Castillo, B. ; Occello, M. “Context-Sensitive Ecosystem of Intelligent Environments”. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE), 2012 8th . Pp. 72 – 79
- Barriga, S.D. Torres, G. ; Ramos, F. “Feature-based saliency for a model of bottom-up visual attention” . 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC),. Pp. 399 – 406
- Jaime, K. ; Torres, G. ; Ramos, F. ; Garcia, G. “A proposed model for visual memory identification”. 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC).Pp 35 – 42
- D. Madrigal, G. Torres, F. Ramos and L. Vega, "Cutaneous mechanoreceptor simulator," Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom), 2012 IEEE 3rd International Conference on, Kosice, Slovakia, 2012, pp. 781-786.
- Omar Gonzalez-Padilla, Jean-Paul A. Barthès, Félix F. Ramos: A MAS supporting intercultural knowledge management. IEEE Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design CSCWD 2011: 850-853
- Torres, G.; Jaime, K.; Ramos, F.; Garcia, G., "Brain architecture for visual object identification,", 2011 10th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC ), vol., no., pp.33-40, 18-20 Aug. 2011. doi: 10.1109/COGINF.2011.6016119 URL:
- L. Gutiérrez, I. Aguinaga, B. Fierz, F. Ramos and M. Harders, "Pitting a New Hybrid Approach for Maintaining Simulation Stability after Mesh Cutting Against Standard Remeshing Strategies", Proceedings of the Computer Graphics International 2011 (CGI 2011). Ottawa, Canada. June 12-15, 2011
- Luis-Felipe Rodríguez and Félix Ramos, Formal Specification of a Neuroscience-Inspired Cognitive Architecture, In Proceedings of the 2011 international conference on Brain informatics (BI'11), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 185-196, 2011.
- Luis-Felipe Rodríguez, Félix Ramos and Gregorio García, Computational Modeling of Brain Processes for Agent Architectures: Issues and Implications, In Proceedings of the 2011 international conference on Brain informatics (BI'11), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 197-208, 2011.
- Luis-Felipe Rodríguez, Félix Ramos and Yingxu Wang, Cognitive Computational Models of Emotions, In Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC 2011), IEEE Computer Society, 75-84. 2011.
- Luis-Felipe Rodríguez, Félix Ramos and Gregorio García, An Integrative Computational Model of Emotions, In Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2011), Part II, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 72-79, 2011.
- Salvador Jauregui-Ortiz, Mario Siller & Félix Ramos. "Node localization in WSN using trigonometric figures". Wireless Sensor and Sensor Networks (WiSNet), 2011 IEEE, Topical Conference on. pp. 65-68 ISBN: 978-1-4244-8414-0, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, January 16-19, 2011.
- Salvador Jauregui-Ortiz, Mario Siller, Félix Ramos & Edson Scalabrin."Improving node localization in WSN by using obstruction level indicator" SMC'11, Anchorage, Alaska, USA. October 9-12, 2011.
- Salvador Jauregui-Ortiz, Mario Siller, Felix Ramos and Edson Escalabrin. “Improving node localization by using Logical Position of Nodes”. International Symposium of Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Inteligence (UCAmI), December, 2011.
- Felipe Rodríguez, Francisco Galvan, Félix Ramos, Erick Castellanos, Gregorio García, Pablo Covarrubias: A Cognitive Architecture Based on Neuroscience for the Control of Virtual 3D Human Creatures. Brain Informatics 2010: 328-335. LNAI 6334, ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-642-15313-6. Citado por 1
- Héctor Rafael Orozco, Félix Ramos, Victor Fernández, Octavio Gutiérrez, Marco A. Ramos, Daniel Thalmann. A Cognitive Model for Human Behavior Simulation in EBDI Virtual Humans. In Proceedings of ICAART (2)'2010. pp.104~111.
- Héctor Orozco, Félix Ramos, Marco Ramos, and Daniel Thalmann, A Fuzzy Model to Update the Affective State of Virtual Humans: An Approach Based on Personality. 2010 International Conference on Cyberworlds Singapore, Singapore October 20-October ISBN: 978-0-7695-4215-7pp 406-413
- Luis F. Gutiérrez, Félix Ramos. XFEM Framework for Cutting Soft Tissue - Including Topological Changes in a Surgery Simulation. GRAPP 2010 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, Angers, France, May 17-21, 2010 2010. pp 275-283. Isbn: 978-989-674-026-9.
- Alma Martínez, Héctor Orozco, Félix Ramos, Mario Siller. "A P2P Architecture to Perform Actions of Virtual Humans in Distributed Virtual Environments". pp.225-230, 2010 IEEE Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference. ISBN: 978-0-7695-4204-1
- Luis Razo , Felix Ramos , Michel Occello, “METAOSE: Meta-analysis for Agent Oriented Software Engineering”. 2010 IEEE Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference pp. 197-204 ISBN: 978-0-7695-4204-1.
- Omar Alfredo González Padilla, Félix Francisco Ramos Corchado, Jean-Paul Bartès. “Genetic Programming for Task Selection in Dialogue Systems”. pp. 180-184. 2010 IEEE Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference. ISBN: 978-0-7695-4204-1
- Sanchez-Acevedo, Miguel A.; Lopez-Mellado, Ernesto; Ramos-Corchado, Felix. Mobile agents formation control in 3D environments based on self organization strategies. System of Systems Engineering, 2009. SoSE 2009. IEEE International Conference on May 30 2009-June 3 2009 Page(s): 1-6
- Jaime Zaragoza, Alma Verónica Martínez, Félix Ramos, Mario Siller and Véronique Gaildrat. Virtual World Creation and Visualization by Knowledge Based Modeling. 5th International North American Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation, August 26-28 2009. Eurosis-ETI, Atlanta, GA, USA, pages 5-9. 2009.
- Jaime Zaragoza, Félix Ramos and Véronique Gaildrat. “Creation of Virtual Worlds through Knowledge-Assisted Declarative Modeling”. 5th International North American Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation, August 26-28 2009. Eurosis-ETI, Atlanta, GA, USA, pages 20-24. 2009.
- O. Gutiérrez, F. Ramos, and J.-L. Koning, “Obligation-based Agent Conversations for Semantic Web Service Composition,” In Proc. of IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, vol. 1, pp. 411-417, Italy, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-7695-3801-3. Acceptance rate: 16%. Citado por 6
- O. Gutiérrez, J.-L. Koning, and F. Ramos, “An Obligation Approach for Exception Handling in Interaction Protocols,” In Proc. IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology - WLIAMAS, vol. 3, pp. 497-500, Italy, ISBN: 978-0-7695-3801-3 2009. Acceptance rate: 34.7%. Citado por 2
- O. Gutiérrez, F. Ramos, and J.-L. Koning, “Obligations as Constrainers, Descriptors, and Linkers of Open System of Systems,” In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, USA, 2009. Citado por 3
- Olascuaga-Cabrera, J.G.; Lopez-Mellado, E.; Ramos-Corchado F. Self-organization of mobile devices networks. System of Systems Engineering, 2009. SoSE 2009. IEEE International Conference on Volume , Issue , May 30 2009-June 3 2009. Page(s):1 – 6. Citado por 2
- Alma V. Martínez Gonzalez, Héctor Orozco Aguirre, Félix Ramos Corchado and Mario Siller. A Peer-to-Peer Architecture for Real-Time Distributed Visualization of 3D Collaborative Virtual Environments. In proceedings of the 13-th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications. pp 251-254. ISBN ~ ISSN:1550-6525 , 978-0-7695-3868-6. October 25-28, 2009, Singapore. Citado por 5 -
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- Aguirre, H.R.O.; Corchado, F.F.R.; Ruvalcaba, L.A.R.; Rios, J.A.Z.; Thalmann, D. Use of Intelligent Emotional Agents in the Animation of Autonomous Virtual Creatures. Artificial Intelligence, 2008. MICAI apos;08. Seventh Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 27-31 Oct. 2008. Page(s): 420–425. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MICAI.2008.15. 1st Place Best paper Award and Special Session Best Student Paper Award, respectively.
- M. Uc, A. Rodriguez and Félix RAMOS. “Reinforcement Learning and Dynamic Planning Applied to Virtual Humans Animation”. 4th IEEE CIEEE, Mexico Septiembre 5-7 2007. ISBN 1-4244-1166-1, pp 169-172
- Hèctor Rafael Orozco, Félix Ramos and Daniel Thalmann. “Avatars Animation using Reinforcement Learning in 3D Distributed Dynamic Virtual Environments”, VI Congress of Logic Applied to Technology, Santos/SP/BRASIL, November 21-23, 2007, , ISBN 978-85-99561-45-4.
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- Fernando Velazco, Felix Ramos “Performance Evaluation of Quality of Service Aware Request Placement Techniques”. Fernando Velazco, Felix Ramos. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, Tucson, Arizona, USA. March 19-22, 2005. Pages 744-749 ISBN 0-7803-8812-7/05
- Marco A. Ramos C. and Felix Ramos C. “Autonomous Agents and Anticipative Systems”. pp 371-377, IEEE WORDS-2005. Sedona, Arizona, USA February 2005. ISBN 0-7695-2347-1, ISSN 1530-1443
- A Platform to Design and Run Dynamic Virtual Environments, H. Iván Piza, Fabiel Zúñiga, Félix F. Ramos. IEEE Cyberworlds 2004, November in Japan. ISBN 0-7695-2140-1.
- From Computer Network Load to Urban Network Load, Felix Ramos, Fernando Loera. Outs 2004, Guadalajara, Jalisco. September 2004.
- A Formal Method to Transform an Elementary Object System into a Colored Petri Net, Fabiel Zúñiga, Antonio Alcala, Ivan Piza, Felix Ramos. WSEAS Transactions on Information Sciences and Applications. Issue 4 Volume 1, October 2004. ISSN 1790-0832.
- Using Colored Petri Nets To Simulate Object Petri Nets. Felix Ramos, Fabiel Zuniga, Antonio Alcala, Hivan Piza. Computing, Communications and Control Technologies: CCCT´04, Austin Texas, August 14-17, 2004.pages 27-31, ISBN 980-6560-17-5
- A Platform to Manage Mobile Agents in Wireless Environments. Felix Ramos, Fabiel Zuniga, Antonio Alcala, Hivan Piza. Computing, Communications and Control Technologies: CCCT´04, Austin Texas, August 14-17, 2004. Pages 21-26
- Methodology for Analysis and Design of Sytems. Felix F. Ramos. 2nd IEEE Workshop on Software Technologies for Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing Systems, Vienna, Austria May 11-12, 2004, pp80-84. ISBN 0-7695-2123-1
- Specification of Distributed Systems Using Multi-Level Petri Nets. Felix F. Ramos, Fabiel Zuñiga, Antonio Alcala, Ivan Piza. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics. October 5–8, 2003 –Washington, D.C., USA. ISBN 0-7803-7952-7/03, Pages 604-609
- Specification of GeDA-3D Mobility Using Petri Nets. Felix Ramos, Fabiel Zúñiga, Ivan Piza, On proceedings of ISCA-CSITeA-2003, Jun 2003, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. pp 538-542 ISBN 0-9742059-0-7. pp 31-37
- Nicandro Farias, Félix F. Ramos, Victor Larios, "LCIASA: a useful Language for Specification and Verification of Agent Based Sysems. OPODIS-02 Decmber 2002, Reims, France. pages 85-94
- Fabiel Zuñiga (estudiante), Hugo I. Piza D. (estudiante), and F. Ramos, "A 3DSpace Platform for Distributed Applications Management." ISSADS-2002 Guadalajara Jalisco November 2002.pages 66-77, ISBN 970-27-0358-1
- Nicandro Farias, Félix F. Ramos C. Multi Agents Systems Methodology Based on a Study of Agent's Interaction, Jornadas Iberoamericanas de Ingeniería de Software y del Conocimiento. Río de Janeiro, November 2002. pages 200-210
- M. A. Ramos-Corchado, Aurelio López López, and F. Ramos Corchado.
- "An Architecture Based on Competitive Neural Networks for Information Retrieval"
- Applied Informatics, Procs. February, 2001, ACTA Press, Anaheim, Calgary, Zurich ISBN 0-88986-318-0, pp. 177-182.
- Marco A. Ramos, Aurelio López, Félix Ramos, Un sistema de recuperación de información basada en redes neuronales competitivas. CIC, Mexico D.F. Octubre de 2001. pages 490-496
- Jorge Hernández, Félix Ramos. Un spooler distribuido. SOMI XV, Guadalajara, México 2000.
- Félix Ramos, Nicandro Farias, LCIASA a language for multi-agent systems based on plans, IASTED-2001 Ostrich February 2001.
- Félix F. Ramos, Silvia I. Toscano, María E. Puga. A Generic Architecture for Virtual Environments. First IEEE International Symposium On Advanced Distributed Systems. Guadalajara, Mexico 8-10 March 2000.
- Félix F. Ramos, Silvia I. Toscano, María E. Puga. A CORBA Based Architecture for a Virtual Office. 2nd Workshop on Virtual Reality. Rio de Janeiro octubre 1999.
- Raúl Jacinto-M., Jorge Hernandez Rojas, José M. Cañedo, Felix F. Ramos C. Formal Description of a Protocol for WorkGroup in Industrial Environments. IEEE RVP99 11-16 July 1999 in Acapulco Guerrero.
- Félix F. Ramos Corchado, Liming Chen and Marc Bui. A Comparison of Two Dynamic Request Placement Strategies in Large Distributed Information Systems. In International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications of DEXA 1999 IEEE Computers Society. Florida, on September 1999.
- Félix Francisco Ramos C., David Garduño, Ivan Romero. Multi Agent Architecture for a Virtual Office. Workshop of CSCW of the PDPTA las Vegas Nevada USA Vol 1 pags 60-68 on Jun 1999.
- Félix F. Ramos, Silvia I. Toscano, María E. Puga, Rául Jacinto M. "A CORBA Based Architecture for a Virtual Office". Sao Paulo Brazil on octubre 1999.
- Raúl Jacinto, Javier Gonzales, Ignacion Navarro, Felix Ramos C. Calidad en Software. XXV Conferencia latinoamericana de informatica CLEI, Paraguay Asuncion, October 1999.
- Félix Francisco Ramos C., David Garduño, Ivan Romero y José Luis Marquez. A Virtual Office based on agents. Workshop of CSCW in the Distributed System Winter School in Guadalajara Mexico 23rd to 27th of November 1998.
- Jacobo Santiago, Félix Francisco Ramos C. Methodology of Data Warehousing. Workshop of Computer Application in the Distributed System Winter School in Guadalajara Mexico 23rd to 27th of November 1998.
- Félix F. Ramos, David Garduño, Ivan Romero y José Luis Marquez. A Distributed Virtual Office. CIE98. International Congress of the Cinvestav México. September de 1998.
- Félix F. Ramos, Raúl J. Montes, Líming Chen, Marc Bui. Workshop of Artificial Intelligence TAINA'98 November 4.6 de 1998 Mexico D.F. 335-348.
- Raúl Jacinto, Felix Ramos C. Sincronización de Flujo Multimedia a Través de Relaciones Causales. XXIV Conferencia latinoamericana de informática CLEI Panel 98, Quito Ecuador, Octubre 19-24 1998.
- Félix F. Ramos, David Garduño, Ivan Romero y José Luis Márquez. Arquitectura Multi Agentes para una oficina Virtual Distribuida. III International Congress on Research In Electric And Electronics Engineering. Aguascalientes Aguascalientes México Septiembre 1998.
- F. Ramos, L.Chen and Marc Bui, Two layers Multi-Agent Based Dynamic Request Allocation Strategies in Global Information Systems. In procedings of the second International workshop on CSCW in design Tailand, November 26-28 1997.
- Félix F. Ramos Corchado, Liming Chen and Marc Bui. Evaluation of Intelligent Dynamic Task allocation strategies for Distributed Information Systems. In Eighth International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications of DEXA 1997 IEEE Computers Society.120-126 Toulouse France September 1997.
- Ramos Corchado Félix Francisco, L.Chen, Marc Bui. A study with a Multi-Agents System in fully Distributed Information Systems. In proceedings of the X symposium of Software Engineering Sao Carlos Brasil, October 1996.
- L. Chen, Félix Ramos, M. Bui and P. Faudemay. Multi-Agents based Dynamic Request Placement Strategies in Fully Distributed Information Systems. In proceedings of the ISCA International Conference. Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems. Vol. II. Dijon France, September 1996.Pages 701-708 ISBN 1-880843-17-X
National Conferences
- Luis-Felipe Rodríguez y Félix Ramos. “Modelado Computacional de Emociones para Agentes Autónomos.” In La medicina como arte, ciencia, humanismo e investigación: XXXII Jornada Médica ISSSTE-UAEM. Editorial: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. ISBN: 978-607-422-490-0. Toluca, Mexico. 2013
- Sanchez-Acevedo, Miguel A.; Ramos-Corchado, Felix; Lopez-Mellado, Ernesto. Formación de Agentes Móviles Basada en Estrategias de Auto-Organización. SENIE 2009. Ocotlán, Jal, 7-9 Octubre 2009 Page(s): pp 540-546. ISBN 978-607-477-073-5.
- Jaime Zaragoza, Félix Ramos, Véronique Gaildrat. “Generación de Ambientes Virtuales Mediante Modelado Declarativo Basado en conocimiento”. SENIE 2009. Centro Universitario de la Ciénega, Universidad de Guadalajara, México.7-9 Octubre 2009. pp 523-532
- O. Gutiérrez and O. González, “Generación de Protocolos de Interacción Empleando Programación Genética,” In Proc. of SENIE 2009, Mexico, 2009. pp 621-628. ISBN 978-607-477-073-5.
- Héctor Rafael Orozco Aguirre y Félix Francisco Ramos Corchado. Una Biblioteca para el Modelado y Simulación de la Locomoción Humana en Robots Humanoides. SENIE 2009, pp. 378-387, Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro Universitario de la Ciénega, 7 al 9 de Octubre de 2009, Ocotlán, Jal., México. ISBN 978-607-477-073-5.
- Cristian E. Boyain y Goytia Luna, Héctor Rafael Orozco Aguirre y Félix Ramos Corchado. Algoritmo de Planeación de Movimientos para un Brazo en 3D. SENIE 2009. pp. 589-595, Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro Universitario de la Ciénega, 7 al 9 de Octubre de 2009, Ocotlán, Jal., México. ISBN 978-607-477-073-5.
- Víctor Fernández Cervantes, Luis Real Novo, Héctor Rafael Orozco Aguirre, Félix Ramos Corchado, Marco Ramos Corchado y Verónica Pérez. Conducta Influenciada por la Personalidad en Avatares ante Situaciones de Desastre: Una Propuesta Apoyada en la Psicología. SENIE 2009, pp. 603-611. Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro Universitario de la Ciénega, 7 al 9 de Octubre de 2009, Ocotlán, Jal., México. ISBN 978-607-477-073-5.
- Alma Martínez, Félix Ramos, Mario Siller. “Visualización Distribuida en Tiempo Real de un Ambiente Virtual”. SENIE 2009, pp. 555-563. Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro Universitario de la Ciénega, 7 al 9 de Octubre de 2009, Ocotlán, Jal., México. ISBN 978-607-477-073-5.
- O. Gutiérrez, J.-L. Koning, and F. Ramos, “Composición de Protocolos de Interacción Utilizando Obligaciones,” In Proc. of SENIE 2008, Mexico, 2008. ISBN 978-970-31-0944-9.
- Omar González Padilla, F. Ramos, Herwig Unger. “Manejo de Eventos Compuestos en Sistemas RFID”. In Proc. of SENIE 2008, Mexico, 2008. p.p. 442-450. ISBN 978-970-31-0944-9.
- Miguel A. Sánchez-Acevedo, Gustavo A. Torres-Blanco, Salvador Jauregui-Ortiz, Ernesto López Mellado, Félix RAMOS-Corchado. “Formación de Robots Basada en Interacciones Locales”. In Proc. of SENIE 2008, Mexico, 2008. p.p. 262-268. ISBN 978-970-31-0944-9.
- Jaime Alberto Zaraoza Rios, Hector Rafael Horozco, Veronique Gaildrat, Félix Ramos. “Modelado Declarativo de Ambientes Virtuales Basado en Explotación del Concocimiento”. In Proc. of SENIE 2008, Mexico, 2008. p.p. 422-428. ISBN 978-970-31-0944-9.
- Orozco Aguirre Héctor Rafael, Zaragoza Rios Jaime Alberto and Daniel Thalman. “Animation of Autonomous Avatars Over the GeDA-3D Agent Architecture”. In Proc. of SENIE 2008, Mexico, 2008. p.p. 397-406. ISBN 978-970-31-0944-9.
- Ramos Corchado Félix Francisco y Barrera Renato Rivera. Un administrador de objetos persistentes en C. Memorias del X congreso de Computación del Tecnológico de Metepec Toluca, México 1988.
- Ciencias Cognitivas una aproximación interdiciplinar. Francisco Ableardo Robles Aguirre, Nathalia Arias Trejo, Marsela Hernández González, Félix Francisco Ramos Corchado, Miguel Ángel Guevara Pérez, Adriana Elizabeth Morales Sánchez. ISBN: 978-607-8336-58-6. Ed. Prometeo Editores.
- Proceedings and CD of the first Symposium on Advanced Distributed Systems ISADS-2000 ISBN 970-692-045-5. LNCS springer Verlag.
- Proceedings and CD of the Second Symposium on Advanced Distributed Systems ISADS-20002 ISBN 970-27-0358-1
- Advanced Distributed Systems. Volume 3061 LNC of Springer ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 3-540-22172-7 2004
- Advanced Distributed Systems. Volume 3563 LNC of Springer ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 3-540-28063-4 2005
- International Conference on Computing, Communication and Control Technologies, August 14-17, 2004 Austin, Texas, USA, ISBN 980-6560-17-5.
Chapter of books
- A Model of Top-Down Attentional Control for Visual Search Based on Neurosciences. Vargas, N., del Valle-Padilla, J.L., Jimenez, J.P., Ramos, F. ). In: Samsonovich, A.V., Gudwin, R.R., Simões, A.d.S. (eds) Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architectures for Artificial Intelligence: BICA*AI 2020. BICA 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1310. Springer, Cham.
- Psychological Theoretical Framework: A First Step for the Design of Artificial Emotion Systems in Autonomous Agents. Rosales JH., Rodríguez LF., Ramos F. .In: Samsonovich A. (eds) Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2019. BICA 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 948. Springer, Cham. Print ISBN978-3-030-25718-7, Online ISBN978-3-030-25719-4
- Ramirez-Pedraza R., Vargas N., Sandoval C., del Valle-Padilla J.L., Ramos F. ) A Bioinspired Model of Decision Making Considering Spatial Attention for Goal-Driven Behaviour. In: Samsonovich A. (eds) Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2019. BICA 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 948. Springer, Cham. Print ISBN978-3-030-25718-7. Online ISBN 978-3-030-25719-4
- Propuesta de un modelo de memoria general para criaturas virtules. Ana Karina Jaime Oliver, Ory Dinguene Medina Ceja, Félix F, Ramos Corchado y Marco Antonio Ramos Corchado. “Ciencias Cognitivas una aproximación interdiciplinar”. Editores Francisco Ableardo Robles Aguirre, Nathalia Arias Trejo, Marsela Hernández González, Félix Francisco Ramos Corchado, Miguel Ángel Guevara Pérez, Adriana Elizabeth Morales Sánchez. ISBN: 978-607-8336-58-6. Ed. Prometeo Editores. 2015 páginas 259-284
- Integración de las Funciones Cognitivas de Toma de Decisiones y Planeación con Información Afectiva. Jose Antonio Cervantez Alvarez, Sonia López Ruiz, Jonathan Hernando Rosales Hernandéz, Félix F. Ramos Corchado, Marco Antonio Ramos Corchado y Francisco A. Robles Aguirre. “Ciencias Cognitivas una aproximación interdiciplinar”. Editores Francisco Ableardo Robles Aguirre, Nathalia Arias Trejo, Marsela Hernández González, Félix Francisco Ramos Corchado, Miguel Ángel Guevara Pérez, Adriana Elizabeth Morales Sánchez. ISBN: 978-607-8336-58-6. Ed. Prometeo Editores. 2015 paginas 285-320.
- From Mind to Software: An Agent Cognitive Architecture for Visual Attention with Affective Evaluations and Expected Reward/Punishment. Jonathan Hernando-Rosales, Cynthia Avila-Contreras, Daniel Madrigal y Félix Ramos. Estudios sobre comportamiento y aplicaciones, Vol. IV, pag. 251-274. Ed. UNAM CINCA 2015. ISBN: 978-607-9371-55-5. Cap. X
- López Ruiz, S., Madrigal Díaz, D. E., Cervantes Álvarez, J. A. Propuesta de la estructura de un plan motor para un modelo computacional de la función cognitiva de la planeación. Ciencias cognitivas: una aproximación interdisciplinar. ISBN: 978-607-8336-58-6. Editor Universidad de Guadalajara, 2015.
- Cervantes A. José-Antonio, López R., Sonia, Rosales H., Jonathan-Hernando, Ramos C., Felix, y Robles A., Francisco-Abelardo. Modelo computacional de toma de decisiones y planeación usando estímulos afectivos. Ciencias cognitivas: una aproximación interdisciplinar. ISBN: 978-607-8336-58-6. Universidad de Guadalajara, 2015.
- Cynthia Avila-Contreras, Ory Medina, Karina Jaime, and Félix Ramos. “An Agent Cognitive Model for Visual Attention and Response to Novelty”. Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume 296, 2014, pp 27-36 . G. Jezic et al. (eds.), DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-07650-8 © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014. ISSN: 2194-5357.
- O. González, J.-P. Barthés, and F. Ramos. “Cultural Broker Agents: A Framework for Managing Cultural Misunderstandings”. V. Dignum and F. Dignum (eds.), Perspectives on Culture and Agent-based Simulations, 211 Studies in the Philosophy of Sociality 3, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-01952-9__12, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014. Pp 211-229. ISBN: 978-3-319-01951-2 (Print) 978-3-319-01952-9
- J. Guadalupe Olascuaga-Cabrera, Ernesto López-Mellado, Andres Mendez-Vazquez, and Félix Ramos-Corchado. “Cluster-Based Networking for MANETs Using Self-Organization”. GUL N. KHAN and KRZYSZTOF INIEWSKI (Eds). Embedded and Networking System Design, Sofware, and Implementation. CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group. Pp. 223—250. September 24, 2013. ISBN 9781466590656
- Héctor Orozco, Félix Ramos, Daniel Thalmann, Víctor Fernández and Octavio Gutiérrez. A Behavior Model based on Personality and Emotional Intelligence for Virtual Humans. Gianluca Mura (eds.), Metaplasticity in Virtual Worlds: Aesthetics and Semantics Concepts. Cap 8, Pag. 134-157. IGI Global, 2011. ISBN13: 9781609600778|ISBN10: 1609600770| EISBN13: 9781609600792|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60960-077-8
- Félix Francisco Ramos Corchado, Héctor Rafael Orozco Aguirre and Luis Alfonso Razo Ruvalcaba. The Use of Artificial Emotional Intelligence in Virtual Creatures. Handbook of Research on Synthetic Emotions and Sociable Robotics: New Applications in Affective Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Chapter XVIII, pp. 350-378, IGI Global, Hershey PA 17033-1240, USA, 2009. ISBN-13: 978-1605663548, ISBN-10: 1605663549
- E. López-Mellado, F. Ramos-Corchado, M.A. Sánchez-Acevedo. “Self Organization Algorithms for Mobile Devices”. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Second Edition. Vol. VII, Information Science Reference, Hershey-New York. Pages 3406-3412. ISBN13: 9781605660264; ISBN10: 1605660264; EISBN13; 9781605660271
- J. Zaragoza, F. Ramos, H. R. Orozco and V. Gaildrat, Creation of Virtual Environments Through Knowledge-Aid Declarative Modeling. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (Advances in Technological Applications of Logical and Intelligent Systems). IOS Press, Washington, DC, Volume 186, 114-132, 2009. DOI 10.3233/978-1-58603-936-3-114, ISBN 978-1-58603-936-3, 2008
- H. R. Orozco, F. Ramos, J. Zaragoza and D. Thalmann, Avatars Animation Using Reinforcement Learning in 3D Distributed Dynamic Virtual Environments. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (Advances in Technological Applications of Logical and Intelligent Systems). IOS Press, Washington, DC, Volume 186, 67-84, 2009. ISSN: 0922-6389, ISBN: 978-1-58603-936-3
- M.A. Sánchez-Acevedo (CINVESTAV Unidad Guadalajara, Mexico) E. López-Mellado (CINVESTAV Unidad Guadalajara, Mexico) F. Ramos-Corchado (CINVESTAV Unidad Guadalajara, Mexico). Pages: 3406-3412 pp. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Second Edition Editor: Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Ed.) (Information Resources Management Association, USA) Copyright: 2009
- Positive effects of Proactive communication in MAS, Félix Ramos. Ed. Springer, Boston, MA, pp. 117-129. 2005. DOI Print ISBN 978-0-387-28318-0. Online ISBN: 978-0-387-28318-0, Vol 187.
- Didier Donses, Sylvain Lecompte, Nadia Benani Université de Valencienne France, Félix Ramos du CINVESTAV Mexique. Apport des Agents Mobiles dans le commerce électronique. Mandiau, R., Grislin-le Strugeon, e., Péninou, A.(Eds.). ). Organisation et applications des SMA. Paris: Hermes. ISBN:2-7462-0439-8.
Indexed articles
- A bioinspired model to motivate learning of appetitive signals’ incentive value under a Pavlovian conditioning approach, A. Muñoz-Capote, D.G. Gómez-Martínez, T. Rodriguez-Flores, F. Robles, M. Ramos, F. Ramos, Neurocomputing ), ISSN 0925-2312,
- Bio-inspired task-rule retrieval model with auditory sorting test, Oscar Hernández, Carlos Sandoval, Gustavo Palacios, Natividad Vargas, Francisco Robles, Félix Ramos, Cognitive Systems Research, Volume 72, 2022, Pages 1-13, ISSN 1389-0417,
- Cognitive Pervasive Service Composition Applied to Predatory Crime Deterrence. Ramos Corchado, F.F.; López Fraga, A.C.; Salazar Salazar, R.; Ramos Corchado, M.A.; Begovich Mendoza, O. Appl. Sci. MDPI 2021, 11, 1803.
- Bio-inspired computational object classification model for object recognition, Ivan Axel Dounce, Luis Adrian Parra, Félix Ramos, Cognitive Systems Research, Volume 73, 2022, Pages 36-50,
- ISSN 1389-0417,
- Affective Episodic Memory System for Virtual Creatures: The First Step of Emotion-Oriented Memory. Martin, Luis, and Rosales, Jonathan H. and Jaime, Karina, and Ramos, Felix. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience. 2021. Oct. 20. Hindawi, Volume 2021. issn={1687-5265}. doi={10.1155/2021/7954140}.
- A Model of Top-Down Attentional Control for Visual Search Based on Neurosciences. Natividad Vargas., del Valle-Padilla, J. L., Jimenez, J. P., & Ramos, F. , November). In Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures Meeting (pp. 541-546). Springer, Cham.
- A Model of Top-Down Attentional Control for Visual Search Based on Neurosciences. Vargas, N., del Valle-Padilla, J.L., Jimenez, J.P., Ramos, F. ). In: Samsonovich, A.V., Gudwin, R.R., Simões, A.d.S. (eds) Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architectures for Artificial Intelligence: BICA*AI 2020. BICA 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1310. Springer, Cham.
- A bio-inspired model of behavior considering decision-making and planning, spatial attention and basic motor commands processes. Ramirez-Pedraza, R., Natividad Vargas., Sandoval, C., del Valle-Padilla, J. L., & Ramos, F. ). Cognitive Systems Research, 59, 293-303.
- “Methodological aspects for cognitive architectures construction: a study and proposal” Juan P. Jiménez, Luis Martin, Ivan Axel Dounce, Cynthia Ávila Contreras, Félix Ramos. Springer Artificial Intelligence Review [JCR/SCIE-E indexed], FI 5.747. Print ISSN: 0269-282, Electronic ISSN: 1573-7462
- “A bioinspired model of short-term satiety of hunger influenced by food properties in virtual Creatures”, Diana G. Gómez-Martínez, Marco Ramos, Juan Luis del Valle-Padilla, Jonathan-Hernando Rosales, Francisco Robles, Félix Ramos. Cognitive System Research 2020, ISSN:13890417, [JCR/SCIE-E indexed], FI 1.902
- “Declarative Working Memory: A Bio-Inspired Cognitive Architecture Proposal”, Martin, Luis and Jaime, Karina and Ramos, Félix and Robles, Francisco, Cognitive Systems Research 2020, Vol. 66, pp 30-45. ISSN:13890417 . [JCR/SCIE-E indexed], FI 1.902
- “An expanded model for perceptual visual single object recognition system using expectation priming following neuroscientific evidence”. Iván Axel Dounce, Félix Ramos. Cognitive Systems Research 2020. ISSN:13890417 . [JCR/SCIE-E indexed], FI 1.902
- “A proposal for an auditory sensation cognitive architecture and its integration with the motor-system cognitive function”, G. Palacios, C. Sandoval. F. Ramos. Cognitive Systems Research 2020. Vol. 66. Pag. 1-22. ISSN:13890417. [JCR/SCIE-E indexed], FI 1.902
- “A bio-inspired model of behavior considering decision-making and planning, spatial attention and basic motor commands processes”, Raymundo Ramirez Pedraza, Natividad Vargas, Carlos Sandoval, Juan Luis del Valle Padilla, Félix Ramos. Cognitive System Research 2020. Vol. 59 pp 293-303. ISSN:13890417 [JCR/SCIE-E indexed], FI 1.902
- “A bio-inspired self-responding emotional behavior system for virtual creatures”, Diana G. Gómez-Martínez, Jonathan-Hernando Rosales, Vianney Muñoz-Jiménez, Félix Ramos, Marco Ramos. Biologically inspired cognitive architectures 2020. Vol. 26 pp 26-40.
- “Artificial Moral Agents: A Survey of the Current Status” Cervantes, JA., López, S., Rodríguez, LF. et Félix Ramos. al. Science and Engineering Ethics. Publisher. Springer Netherlands ). Print ISSN1353-3452, Online ISSN1471-5546. [JCR/SCI-E indexed]. Journal Impact Factor 2.787
- “A general theoretical framework for the design of artificial emotion systems in Autonomous Agents”, Jonathan-Hernando Rosales, Luis-Felipe Rodríguez, Félix Ramos. Cognitive System Research, ISSN 1389-0417. [JCR/SCI-E indexed]. Journal Impact Factor 1.384
- “A bio-inspired self-responding emotional behavior system for virtual creature”. Jonathan-Hernando Rosales, VianneyMuñoz-Jiménez, Félix Ramos, Marco Ramos. ISSN: 2212-683X [JCR/SCI-E indexed] Journal Impact Factor 0.787
- “A New Approach for the Composition of Adaptive Pervasive Systems”. Francisco Cervantes, Felix Ramos, Luis Gutierrez Preciado, Michel Occello, Jean-Paul Jamont. IEEE Systems Journal. 2018. . pp 1-13, ISSN 1932-8184, Online ISSN: 1937-9234. CD-ROM ISSN: 2373-7816. Volume:12, N0 2 PP1709-1720, Issue: 99. [JCR/SCI-E indexed]. Journal Impact Factor 4.337
- “Towards a model of visual recognition based on neurosciences”, AdríanGonzález-Casillas Luis Parra, LuisMartin, Cynthia Avila Contreras, RaymundoRamirez-Pedraza, Natividad Vargas, Juan Luis del Valle-Padilla, FélixRamos. ELSEVIER BICA. ISSN: 2212-683X [JCR/SCI-E indexed]. Journal Impact Factor 0.787
- “Decision-making bioinspired model for target definition and “satisfactor” selection for physiological needs”, Raymundo Ramirez-Pedraza, Felix Ramos. Cognitive Systems Research, Volume 66, March 2021, Pages 122-133, Elsevier (2021).
- "Generation of virtual creatures under multidisciplinary biological premises", Rafael Mercado, Vianney Mun̄oz-Jiménez, Marco Ramos & Félix Ramos. Artificial Life and Robotics volume 27, pages495–505, publisher; Springer, 20 June (2022).
- "Computational framework of the visual sensory system based on neuroscientific evidence of the ventral pathway", Luis Adrian Parra, Daniel Eduardo Madrigal Díaz, Felix Ramos. Cognitive Systems Research,Volume 77, January 2023, Pages 62-87, publisher; Elsevier (2023).
- "Computational model of the alerting function in attention", Carlos Alejandro Sánchez Aceves, Félix Ramos Corchado, Gustavo Palacios Ramirez, Carlos Johnnatan Sandoval Arrayga. Cognitive Systems Research, Volume 77, January 2023, Pages 226-237, publisher; Elsevier (2023).
- "Decision-making bioinspired model for target definition and “satisfactor” selection for physiological needs", Raymundo Ramirez-Pedraza, Felix Ramos. Cognitive Systems Research, Volume 66, Pages 122-133, publisher; Elsevier, March 2021.
- "Proposal for a computational model of incentive memory", Tania C. Rodríguez-Flores, Gamaliel A. Palomo-Briones, Francisco Robles, Félix Ramos, Volume 77, January 2023, Pages 153-173, publisher; Elsevier, 2022.
- “Automatic reward system for virtual creatures, emergent processes of emotions and physiological motivation”. Jonathan-Hernando Rosales, Myrna S. Zamarripa, Félix Ramos, Marco Ramos. ELSEVIER Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures. Vol. 22, pp. 51-66 ISSN: 2212683X. [JCR/SCI-E indexed]. Journal Impact Factor 0.787
- “Search for an Appropriate Behavior within the Emotional Regulation in Virtual Creatures Using a learning Classifier System”, Jonathan-Hernando Rosales, Félix Ramos, Marco Ramos, and José-Antonio Cervantes. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience. Hindawi Volume 2017, Article ID 5204083, 13 pages. ISSN: 1687-5265 (Print)
- ISSN: 1687-5273 (Online). [JCR/SCI-E indexed]. Journal Impact Factor 1.649.
- “Integrating a cognitive computational model of planning and decision-making considering affective information”, José Antonio Cervantes, Jonathan-Hernando Rosales, Sonia López, Félix Ramos, Marco Ramos. Cognitive Systems Research, Volume 44, August 2017, pp 10-39. Ed, Elsevier. [JCR/SCI-E indexed] ISSN: 1389-0417 Journal Impact Factor 1.384
- “Modeling the Interaction of Emotion and Cognition in Autonomous Agents”. Luis-Felipe Rodríguez, J. Octavio Gutierrez-Garcia, Félix Ramos. Biological Inspired Cognitive Architectures, Ed. Elsevier Volume 17, July 2016, p.p. 57-70. ISSN: 2212-683X. [JCR/SCI-E indexed]. Journal Impact Factor 0.787
- “Autonomous Agents and Ethical Decision-Making”. José-Antonio Cervantes, Luis-Felipe Rodríguez, Sonia López, Félix RAMOS, Robles. Cognitive Computation. Ed Springer ) Volume 8: 278-296. doi:10.1007/s12559-015-9362-8. ISSN: 1866-9956 (Print) 1866-9964 (Online) [JCR/SCI-E indexed] Journal Impact Factor 4.287.
- “Modeling Workplace Evacuation Behaviors Using Intelligent Agents”. Marco Antonio Ramos · Vianney Munoz · Erick Castellanos · Felix Ramos. Latin America Transactions, IEEE (revista IEEE America Latina). Year: 2016, Volume 9, Issue: 1. DOI:10.1109/TLA.2016.7785946, ISSN 1548-0992 [JCR/SCI-E indexed]. Journal Impact Factor .804
- “Efficient construction of bounding volume hierarchies into a complete octree for ray tracing”. Ulises Olivares, Héctor G. Rodríguez, Arturo García, and Félix F. Ramos. COMPUTER ANIMATION AND VIRTUAL WORLDS. Published online in Wiley Online Library ( pp 358-368. DOI: 10.1002/cav.1716. Year 2016. 1546427X. [JCR/SCI-E indexed]. Journal Impact Factor 0.697.
- “Simplifying the design of Interactive Simulations of Deformable Objects”. Luis Fernando Gutierrez Preciado; Sergio Enrique Vargas; José Francisco Cervantes Alvarez; Gustavo Torres Blanco; Félix Francisco Ramos Corchado. Latin America Transactions, IEEE (revista IEEE America Latina). Year: 2016, Volume 14, Issue: 1. DOI. ISI, ISSN 1548-0992 [JCR/SCI-E indexed]. Journal Impact Factor .804
- “Computational models of emotions for autonomous agents: major challenges” Luis-Felipe Rodríguez · Félix Ramos. Artificial Intelligence Review An International Science and Engineering Journal. Ed. Springer Verlag (DOI) 10.1007/s10462-012-9380-9. March 2015, Volume 43. ISSN: 0269-2821. Pp 437-465. [JCR/SCI-E indexed]. Journal Impact Factor 3.814
- “Selection of Coordination Mechanism in Intelligent Environments”. Ostos Robles, Rodolfo; Ramos Corchado Félix Francisco; Castillo Toledo Bernardino; Felix Avina, Vanessa Guadalupe. Latin America Transactions, IEEE (revista IEEE America Latina). Year: 2015, Volume 13, Issue: 9. Pages 3120-3126. DOI: 10.1109/TLA.2015.7350067. [JCR/SCI-E indexed]. Journal Impact Factor .502
- “Computational Model of Motor Planning for Virtual Creatures: a Biologically Inspired Model”. S. López, J.A. Cervantes, F.A. Robles and F. Ramos. IEEE LATIN AMERICA TRANSACTIONS, VOL. 13, NO. 1, JAN. 2015. ISSN 1548-0992. pp 10-17. DOI: 10.1109/TLA.2015.7040622 [JCR/SCI-E indexed]. Journal Impact Factor .804
- “A Bio-Inspired Cognitive Architecture of the Motor System for Virtual Creatures”, Daniel Madrigal, Gustavo Torres, Félix Ramos. IEICE Transaction on Information and Systems, Volume and Number: Vol.E97-D, ISSN 1745-1361, No.8, pp.-,Aug. 2014. [JCR/SCI-E indexed]
- “A New Approach for Body Balance of a Humanoid Robot”. Ory Medina, Daniel Madrigal, Félix Ramos, Gustavo Torres, Marco A. Ramos. IJSSC. I 6Ɣ): 33-46 ).
- “A Cognitive Architecture for Visual Memory Identification”. Karina Jaime, Gustavo Torres, Félix Ramos, Gregorio García. International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence, 6ƒ), 65-79, April-June 2014. DOI: 10.4018/ijssci.2014040104. ISSN 1942-9045; eISSN 1942-9037. PP 65-79. [JCR/SCI-E indexed]
- “Development of Computational Models of Emotions for Autonomous Agents: A Review”. Luis-Felipe Rodríguez and Félix Ramos. Cognitive Computation Ed. Springer, DOI: 10.1007/s12559-013-9244-x [JCR/SCI-E indexed] 2013. ISSN: 1866-9956
- “A Computational Model of Emotional Attention for Autonomous Agents.”. Silviano Díaz Barriga, Luis-Felipe Rodríguez, Félix Ramos, and Marco Ramos. “A Computational Model of Emotional Attention for Autonomous Agents”. Transactions on Computational Science XVIII, Vol. 7848 2013 Editorial Springer. pp. 192-211. ISSN: 1866-4733
- "Cognitive Computational Models of Emotions and Affective Behaviors". Rodríguez, Luis-Felipe, Félix Ramos and Yingxu Wang. International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence (IJSSCI) Volume 4, Issue 2, doi:10.4018/jssci.2012040103. ISSN: 1942-9045
- “Computational models of emotions for autonomous agents: major challenges” Luis-Felipe Rodríguez · Félix Ramos. Artificial Intelligence Review An International Science and Engineering Journal. Ed. Springer Verlag (DOI) 10.1007/s10462-012-9380-9. [JCR/SCI-E indexed]. ISSN: 0269-2821. Pp 437-465. IF 5.095
- A Model of Culture for Cogntive Agents. Félix Ramos, Omar González and Jean-Paul A. Barthès. International Journal of Art, Culture and Design Technologies. Volume 2, Issue 2. Copyright © 2012. 13 pages. DOI: 10.4018/ijacdt.2012070101, ISSN: 2155-4196
- Speeding Up the Simulation of Deformable Objects through Mesh Improvement. Luis F. Gutiérrez, Iker Aguinaga, Matthias Harders, Félix Ramos. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds. Volume 23, Issue 3-4, pages 425–433, May-August 2012. [JCR/SCI-E indexed]. ISSN: 1546-427X, DOI: 10.1002/cav.1462 DOI: 10.1002/cav.1462
- “An Obligation-based Framework for Web Service Composition via Agent Conversations,” J. Octavio Gutierrez-Garcia, Felix F. Ramos-Corchado and Jean-Luc Koning, Web Intelligence and Agent Systems, IOS Press. Vol. 10 ƒ)/2012, pp. 135-150. ISSN: 1570-1263 ISSN online 1875-9289)
- “A Multi-agent System Architecture for Modeling Multicultural Interaction”, Omar González, Jean-Paul Barthès, Félix Ramos, International Journal of Energy, Information and Communications Vol. 2, Issue 4, November, 2011, pp 15-30. ISSN: 2093-9655, indexed by EBSCO, ULRICH, DOAJ, OpenJ-Gate, Cabell.
- “EXCEPTION HANDLING IN PERVASIVE SERVICE COMPOSITION USING NORMATIVE AGENTS”. J.O. Gutierrez-Garcia and F.F. Ramos-Corchado. Rinton Press Journal Vol. 10, No.3 ) 175-196. [JCR/SCI-E indexed]. ISSN: 1540-9589. DOI:
- “An Action Selection Process to simulate The Human Behavior in Virtual Humans with Real Personality”. Héctor Horozco, Félix Ramos, Marco Ramos, Daniel Thalman. The Visual Computer Journal. In 2011. Springer [JCR/SCI-E indexed]. ISSN: 0178-2789.
- “A Self-Organization Algorithm for Robust Networking of Wireless Devices” Olascuaga-Cabrera, J. G.; Lopez-Mellado, E.; Mendez-Vazquez, A.; Ramos-Corchado, F. IEEE Sensors Journal, .Volume: 11, No 3, PP 771-780. Date of Publication: March 2011 [JCR/SCI-E indexed]. ISSN: 1530-437X
- “Integration of Agricultural Information Systems assisted by Knowledge,” O. Gutiérrez, J. Zaragoza, F. Ramos, J.-L. Koning, M. Ramos, and M. Siller. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, Vol 16 Ɩ), 2010, pp. 913-922. [JCR/SCI-E indexed]. ISSN 1079-8587
- “Proposición de un método para balanceo de carga en un cluster heterogéneo simulado en NS2”. Jhon Wiliam Branch Bedoya, Félix Francisco Ramos Corchado, Andrea Mesa Múnera y Rául Esteban Jiménez Mejía. Avances en Sistemas e Informática, Vol.6-No 1, Junio de 2009 ISSN 1657-7663, pp 173-183.
- Graphically Designing and Formally Checking Self-Organizations for Wireless Network Systems. Hind Fadil, Jean-Luc Koning, Félix Ramos, Jean-Paul Jamont, Michel Occello, Springer ISSN: 2051-5642 (electronic version) Journal no 40530. International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications Volume 2 ▪ Number 3 ▪ 2006, ISSN 1751-1461, pages 297-302.
- GeDA-3D a Middleware Useful to Handle the Evolution in Behavioral Animation-Based Virtual Worlds with a Multi-agent Architecture, Félix F. Ramos, H. Iván Piza and Fabiel Zúñiga, LNCS Internet Inovative Technologies, volume 3473/, pages 168-177 ISBN 978-3-540-28880-0, 2006
- A Simulation Analysis of Multiagent-Based Dynamic Request Placement Techniques, Félix F. Ramos and Fernando Velasco, ISBN 978-3-540-28880-0, Workshop Innovative Internet Community Systems, Invited Papers, pages 15-27, 2006
- 3D Emotional Agent Architecture, Félix F. Ramos, Luis Razo, Alma V. Martinez, Fabiel Zúñiga and Hugo I. Piza "" Innovative Internet Community Systems, "" Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 3908/2006, ISBN 978-3-540-33973-1 pages 181-194.
- Specifying Agent’s Goals in 3D Scenarios Using Process Algebras. Fabiel Zuñiga, Félix Ramos, and Ivan Piza. Advanced Distributed Systems LNC 3563 2005, ISBN 3-540-28063-4, ISSN 0302-9743.Pages 472-482
- Tlachli: a Framework for Soccer Agents Based on GeDA-3D. Francisco Hernandez, Roberto Sanchez, Felix RAMOS, Springer LNC 3061 2004, ISSN 0302-9743. pages 118-124.
- Nicandro Farias Mendoza, Félix F. Ramos Corchado. LTLAS: a Language Based on Temporal Logic for Agents Systems Specification. Series Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications No. 85. Title of the book: Advances in Logic, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. IOS Press. ISSN:0922-6389, ISBN I 58603 292 5 (IOS Press), ISBN 4274 90545 4 C3055 (Ohmsha).
Refered Articles
- Raúl Jacinto M, Saúl Pomares Hdez, Félix Francisco Ramos C. Roberto Goméz C. A Protocol for Work Group in Industrial Environments Based on MMS II Opodis Amiens France. December of 1998.
- L.Chen, F.Ramos, M.Bui, « Stratégies de Placement dynamique de requêtes multi-agents pour les systèmes d’information globaux », Calculateurs Parallèles, 9Ɠ) :347-366, numéro spécial Bases de Données Parallèles et Distribuées, Septembre, 1997. ISSN 1260-3198
Science Divulgation Journals
- Felix Ramos. “El Grupo de Ciencias de la Computación en el CINVESTAV-Guadalajara”. CINVESTAV: Computación Tecnologías de la Información. Vol. 26, Núm.02, Abril-Junio 2007. ISSN 18705499.
- Félix Ramos, Omar Conzález, Miguel Sanchez, Alma Martínez. “Una Plataforma para el Mundo Real Simulado”. Ciencia y Desarrollo: Realidad Virtual mas alla de la Presencia. Vol. 34, Número 226. Ed. CONACyT. Diciembre 2008. ISSN: 7-509997-150345-00226.
Projects and Technologic Products
- More than 10 projects for human resources with Continental Int. Company, Founds more than 2,000,000.00 USD
- 520hrs of consulting with BOSH International Company. Founds 900,000.00 Pesos M.N.
- CIA an Intranet System helping to communicate, inform and administrate education institutions. This product includes 9 modules including: students, professors, major, manager, security, school management, decision support, and department management.
- Spooler for JetPalete and design of a distributed cluster printing for HP, México, S.A. de C.V. 1999-2001.
- MIR Software for manage proposal projects in the Jalisco state of Mexico, following Federal laws and rules of Mexican Government. Founding: Jalisco Government. Founds 480,000.00 pesos M.N:
- Embeded automotive laboratory 2007-2008, Founding FUMEC. Founds 2,500,000.00 pesos M.N.
- “Web-Semantic y Universidad Virtual” Founding: WikiAduanas C.V. Founds 580,000.00 pesos M.N.
- METALISIS: Metadata analysis for design MAS. Founding ECOS-ANUIES-CNRS France, 800,000.00 pesos
Evaluation activities
- Reviewer for different prestigious international and journal conferences,
- Accredited evaluator for Mexican National Council for Science and Technology (CONACyT). Evaluation of science and technology national projects.
- Acredited evaluator for Jalisco Mexico State Council for Science and Technology. Evaluation of science and technology Jalisco State projects.
Former students with SNI recognition
Research Interest
Distributed Systems, Multi-Agent Systems or MAS, Virtual Reality, Cognitive Architectures, Dynamic Service Composition.
- English: Fluent
- Spanish Mater language
- French: Fluent
- Portuguese Fluent
Interest Centers
Horse riding, basketball, cycling